Friday, July 08, 2005


When we got home tonight J fell right to sleep on the couch. I ran errands and went tanning and came home and he was still asleep. We had planned to go to a movie but he hadn't been feeling well so I just let him sleep. I watched the Cubs game, played some WebBoggle and started to unwind.

Then he comes up after two hours and wants to leave RIGHT NOW for the movie. The movie was starting at 9:40. The man has been married to me for four years--he knows damn well that I barely even like movies and am not going anywhere at ten o'clock when I got up at six am for work. Because I Am Old.

But he starts screeching about this Revelry nonsense and PULLING MY COVERS AWAY like I am in the fucking navy. I am a civilian you MOTHERFUCKER I am not part of your CRAZY POST-COLD WAR MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. I AM A PEACEFUL WOMAN WHO USES TO MANY FUCKING CAPITALS.

I went downstairs for a well-deserved popsicle and found. A. Disaster. The freezer door must have been left open slightly because everything in there was melted and defrosted and HORRIFYING. We had no delightful frozen treats. We are WITHOUT POPSICLES!!!

A quick trip down for a snack became a forty-five minute ordeal of chipping ice out of the freezer, throwing out food and mopping up a crapload of water. I made J come down and help me move the fridge because I was afraid there was standing water underneath. You know, we want to sell the house next month and maybe we should try to prevent any extensive water damage. He bitched and bitched that there wasn't any water and why did I have to be so dramatic and even after we pulled it out and there CLEARLY WAS STANDING WATER he stood there and denied it was there.

What is wrong with him? Brain damage? Blindness? I do not know. What I do know is that I wanted to throw him in the garbage can with my now melty popsicles.

Forty-five minutes later I had an empty freezer and no snack. And a husband standing there saying, "You know, if we had just gone to Fantastic Four like I wanted this never would have happened."

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