Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Who Am I Kidding? I Am ALWAYS embarrassed In The Morning

If there was ever proof that America's Next Top Model isn't rigged tonight was it. Because DUDE. Cutting a girl that could have gotten you a lesbian sex scene? That is reality TV gold. I should have known Tyra was all about the integrity.

Either that they were worried about Kim's girlfriend was going to storm onto the set and start a fire. Though tell me that wouldn't bring gangbuster ratings.

I bought a dress for a wedding that is coming up later this month, seriously two new dresses this year for weddings for other people--together they cost more than my wedding dress which makes them sound expensive but really my wedding dress was CHEAP--and now I just don't know. Either I look really hot and it is perfect. Or I look ridiculous and fat and slutty. This changes about every ten seconds because my self-esteem is, you know, STABLE.

J really likes it so I am thinking slutty.

I hate it when this happens. When you find something that is either perfect for you or so wrong it is just sick but those two things are close enough you are not objective enough to tell. Am I the only what that this happens to? I think it is like that fine line between love and hate. Where either the guy you fight with on your first date is the one or just a giant tool that takes the band Korn way to goddamn seriously.

Of course tomorrow I will feel differently. Hopefully, which ever personality attends the wedding will love the dress and feel great in it. Sadly, it is so hard to tell who that will be.

Of course this could all be the PMS talking and I am just a cliche who will be embarrassed in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it possible to be hot and slutty at the same time? Do we get to see the dress in question? I'm sure you'll knock thenm dead at the wedding.

Linda said...

I agree with Frank - you should take a picture of you wearing the dress and show us.
Ok, just show me :)