Thursday, October 06, 2005

Imagine How Many Showers I Wasted In The Cold

When I was a kid I was afraid of hot water. Not afraid like, Its Going To Eat Me afraid, but I really really did not want to get burned and was hyper-sensitive about it. I didn't like hot chocolate because it would burn my tongue and I wanted to take the coldest showers possible.

This would disgust my dad and he would nag me about it. On hot days he would tell me that a hot shower would make me feel cooler (which is true but don't tell that to a five year old). He would force me to take hot showers with a sunburn to take the sting out (which also works but HURTS and do not try to tell me different). I just hated the hot water and it became A Thing.

I still don't really like hot beverages and when I drank coffee I would usually wait for it to cool off. Even know when I make tea I put in a crap load of milk which takes the edge off.

But hot showers no longer scare me. My showers now are scalding hot, hot enough that pathetic low blood-pressure me gets a little woozy sometimes from the heat. I know that such hot water is terrible for my skin and hair. My hair dresser nags me all the time about it, saying that it is too drying. But tell that to a girl with a warmer house. My hot shower at the end of the day is how I wind down, how I warm up, how I relax, where I think. It is like therapy only with great shampoo.

Strangely enough, J doesn't like showers. I mean he takes them naturally. But he likes baths. And takes them several times a week. I don't understand it. Baths make me sleepy, bored and even more dizzy. Sometimes I like them but a shower has that white noise where you can sing or talk or cry and it just doesn't matter at all. Scream in the bathtub and some one is going to come running.

Tonight I was in the shower just letting water pour over my head. I could have stood there all night because I could feel my shoulders just easing down. It was the best moment of the day.

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