Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It Just Isn't Healthy To Feel All Woozy

Today it took me two and a half hours to get to the dentist, where I was an hour late for my appointment and almost vomited in the examination chair (I made it to the ladies room THANK GOD, the list of humiliating places I have vomited is long enough thank you). So I came home. Something about the novacaine and the stress of traffic and something else made me so anxious and queasy and UNABLE TO FACE WORK.

Of course I came home and went to the grocery store, washed my sheets and started cleaning the house which seriously is often what I do when I am sick. Which is sick I know. It is like I can't be properly sick unless my whole house smells of Febreaze.

So I am propped up on the couch with a dog on each side studying me. They are concerned, not that I am sick, but that one of them might get a better spot, an extra cookie, more attention, etc if they do not watch every fucking breath I take. Obviously, I AM A HORRIBLE PUPPY MOTHER CALL THE HUMANE SOCIETY.

Yup, still feeling anxious.

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