Monday, October 03, 2005

Tool, And Not Made By Craftsman

Just when I start to wonder, "why DO I hate Alex Rodriguez so much," he is just delightful enough to say something like this and remind me.

Because he is an entitled monstrous tool.

Just a little tip Alex, darling, Texas isn't obligated to win YOU home field advantage. If you had stopped whining and just won the game then you wouldn't have to be such a bitch in public.

This one in particular I love:

"There's a code of honor when so much is on the line," Rodriguez told the New York Daily News. "You hope people do the right thing. But you can't control what people do."

Yes, there is a code of honor. One that allows you to SLAP BRONSON ARROYO last year during a game and then GET HIS NAME WRONG the next day when giving your very insincere half-assed apology.

Honor. Rodriguez style.

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