Saturday, May 28, 2005

Tell Me I'm Pretty

When you are married (or in a long relationship) you develop some quirks together as a couple. I became really aware how annoying one of mine is today.

I have this habit of walking in to check on J, just to say hi, and when I leave I say, "Tell me I'm pretty." He is not a moron so he always answers "You're gorgeous," and smacks my ass.

The thing is this is just our shorthand, a quick way of saying I still love you, you still love me? Cool. Not romantic. And not actually shorter but whatever.

Of course if I heard this I would think what an annoying needy bitch.

The feminist inside of me thinks that I need to stop saying this before we have kids. Actually right this second because it is stupid and annoying. The rest of me is beating the shit out of that side because she really needs to lighten the fuck up.

I'll let you know how that turns out.

In the meantime, tell me I'm pretty.

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