Thursday, May 12, 2005

Long Live Target

Just when I was feeling good about things this has to happen.

The entire mother fucking world needs to stop using the word Nazi. Nazi does not mean jerk or something that you do not like. It is not the guy who cut you off on the freeway, its not your boss who won't let you take vacation.

People are forgetting what happened in those camps. They are forgetting what that was about.

I hate Walmart before but this makes certain that I will not spend a dime in one of their stores ever.

You are selling cheaply made goods for low prices based on shitty working conditions and substandard service. You are not being opressed for your religion. You are not being censored. You are being prevented from taking over the goddamn world. And even if I had a single sympathy for your situation you just took a shit on it.

Long live Target.

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