Monday, May 16, 2005

On the Bright Side

Remember that game that you used to play in elementary school Grosser Than Gross? You know started by saying, "You know what is gross? A booger." And it escalates until some one says a booger covered in mold shoved up an ass that you have to lick out. Its just as weird and schoolkid fun as you are imagining.

Know what's grosser than gross?

Bee sting hives with puss in them.

Y'all. Hives. Filled. With. Puss.

Sad thing? I was typing an email to J trying to describe this and I spelled it pussy. Is it puss-ey? Pusy?

Easily distracted much?

So. More drugs that will make me sleepy.

But the 2005 Year of the Suck has not returned,

Because I did not die from the bee sting.

Positive attitude.

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