Friday, September 23, 2005

Her Curse Works

I have long bragged about my modern marriage and how J does half the housework and of course he does because we are partners and he doesn't even consider it helping because well hi there are two of us so of course the work should be divided in half and DEAR GOD DO I USE RUN ON SENTENCES.

I have been a tad smug about this. About how he is a good cook and cleans up and wow WHAT A CATCH I FOUND IN THIS HAIRY LITTLE MAN OH MINE.

Except. He doesn't cook anymore. And stopped about three years ago. And since we moved into the new house he has run the dishwasher twice, done a few loads of laundry and swept the floor ONCE. In three weeks. So I have done all the cooking (except grilling--I must be fair HE GRILLED), all the cleaning, made the beds, unpacked and put away all of our clothes, dusted and every other damn thing that is being done.

Suddenly my modern marriage is starting to look alarmingly like my parents' and oh my god do I not want to be my parents. Where my father expects a fucking parade should he scrub down the bathroom. He does their yard and washes pots and pans and thinks that he is doing her favor.

I feel like we are moving in that direction and it is making me crazy. He just doesn't care the way that I do even though he gives lip service to it. And part of me is all follow your bliss and why should he have to clean up if he doesn't care that the house is dirty. And the other part of me is shut up bitch we are not animals and he needs to stop letting this place become a sty. Because part of the pretty new house is keeping it that way. So pick up your shit and grab a broom asshole. So after dinner I walked around and dusted and swept and cleaned the kitchen and made the bed and hung up clothes and basically looked for my little mouse Gus because I am CINDERELLA.

And he played video games.

Hi. I am my fucking MOTHER.

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