Thursday, June 16, 2005

Random Thoughts That Are In Know Way A Cohesive Or Interesting Entry

Most Surreal Thing I Saw Today That Made Me Think That I Might Be On Drugs Or Possibly Just Batshit Crazy:

A very large black man who looked remarkably like Heavy D in big black Denali SUV with gold rims, radio cranked, eyes shut, singing loudly along with Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler.

Grossest Thing I Did Today:

I managed to let my chicken terriyaki EXPLODE all over my desk today. And in the process managed to drip some sauce on my keyboard. Didn't notice until later when it was hardened to a cement-like substance covering a gross amount of my spacebar.

This was nothing something that could be removed with normal every day cleaners. I pretty much needed a blow torch.

Fashion Issue That Is Making My Brain Hurt Because DUDE Thinking Is Hard, Yo:

Can Monica/Chanandaler and I wear the same dress (this one, in black) to a wedding? Who would think that such a dress would be flattery on a little tiny long legged girl with no torso like her and a taller big shoulder short legged monster like myself? Both of whom are hippy? Should we just wear the same damn thing and scream, "YES WE ARE WEARING THE SAME DAMN DRESS SUCK IT BITCHES!" at the reception?

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