Monday, February 27, 2006


I have a very grade school problem. It involves a boy and a seat on a bus. And I am starting to feel like it is sixth grade again and Internet, I need to figure this shit out before I start curling my bangs again. No good comes from curling bangs not for you, not for me, not for the Ozone Layer.

This boy, or man, or whatever the fuck this person is rides my bus home. And he likes me. I do not know this because he talks to me (which THANK GOD because I am not mature enough to handle that) but because he will not stop staring at me when I get on the bus, he always saves me a seat, and if I sit somewhere else he sends me the glares of death like nobody's business.

If this was 1989 and he knew my name I would be in a slam book somewhere. Actually, I probably am--as blond bitch on my fucking bus. Now y'all are thinking, and rightly so, JESUS CHRIST ON A CRACKER(or a more appropriate deity which escapes me now because I am upset y'all), AB, you are a grown woman can you not handle this like an adult.

Internet, I can't.

Because I thought I was. I just ignored it. The puppy eyes. The weird seat saving. His happiness if I did sit next to him that was starting to look pathological considering we have never talked. I just sat in the first available seat. Every day. If it was the one next to him I took it, if not then I didn't. Adult yes?

I am relatively here.

But he is creeping me out. I mean adults, specifically ones who do not KNOW EACH OTHER, do not do this. And they especially do not do what he did today.

I took the first available seat. And he stood up and was like WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO ME?!

The gentleman next to me checked in on me and then agreed to look at a line up if I were ever murdered (great news for J--an ALIBI). I mean this guy was screaming on a bus. And like an idiot I kept turning to people and trying to explain it, "OH I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM BUT WE SIT TOGETHER SOMETIMES, I MEAN AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH!" "I AM SURE HE WON'T RUN ME DOWN WITH HIS CAR!" "SOMEBODY HELP ME HE IS FREAKING ME OUT!"

I am at a loss. I mean, I could change my schedule around and take another bus but that feels like I am admitting I did something wrong or letting him win. Of course if letting him win means I don't have to die I really should be all for it.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes, when you're hot, it comes with a price. You have to admire the guy's taste in women, no? :-)

Linda said...

Just ignore creepy, lonely guy and sit at the way front of the bus right near the driver.

My god what kind of people ride your bus. That is why I pay up the ying to drive.

Anonymous said...

Take another bus! It's not an admission of anything wrong that you've done. That guy sounds creepy, unbalanced and possibly unsafe. Better safe than sorry.