Saturday, August 27, 2005


My parents came over today to help with packing. And my mother is a packing MACHINE. Seriously, I went upstairs to finish packing all of our clothes (we have to move Tuesday because I only have enough underwear to get me until there) and went down to check on her (she can't tape boxes, the tape gun is a bit of mystifying technology to her--it is like trying to teach a dachshund to knit) and she had done almost the entire kitchen. Seriously, she even packed our used up seasoning salt.

We are pretty much packed. The boys took even more of our junk to the dump and it is starting to feel like we don't live here anymore. Long conversations have been had with the dogs about how we are moving and quit whining or we are leaving your ungrateful asses here. Try those pitiful faces on new owners.

Also, I am hungry but we have no dishes, food and I can't make popcorn because we junked the microwave.

I think Darla and I need a nap.

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