Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Wouldn't Either, I'd Like To Be In A Hotel For the Duration

Well shit. Constant contractions since Saturday. Three trips to the hospital (they made me!) and no baby. I've been joking since Thanksgiving that this kid could come any time after my hair appointment Saturday since I would be full term then. Then Saturday my salon had done some voodoo and booked some one in my spot (!) and though the contractions started I didn't get anywhere. So I finally got cut and groomed so come on out sweetheart, I am pretty sure your grandpa will buy you a damn pony.

All of this means that I am incredibly crabby and tired and weepy. If you want to understand hell, put some one in constant pain that is not eased by anything and have them make no progress at all. I am still in early labor and barely dilated at all. I haven't slept normally since Friday and I think technically I should be going to work tomorrow (I am still trying to arrange disability).

Everything sucks. The nurses are borderline mean (I love this, they tell you to come or you are ordered by your doctor to come in and then they get all snotty with you "WHY DO YOU THINK YOU NEED TO BE HERE") and change their story a lot. The rules are come in when your contractions hurt and are 3-5 minutes apart for at least an hour. But when you do that they will bitch about how you are not dilated and your contractions should be closer together (I guess when they don't stop or you actually have the baby you can come in). All of this makes me want to cry when talking about it because I never want to go back again. One nurse said each of the following three things, "You are only 37 weeks, you shouldn't be walking around to make labor progress," "You can either go home or walk for an hour to see if your cervix changes," AND "Don't walk, it doesn't do anything anyway"

I pretty much hated her.

ETA: I've edited this entry, my apologies.

Actually, no wonder the baby doesn't want to come out.


eeek said...

Still no baby? That girl is making you work for it! Hopefully the nurses will stop sucking and she decide to make an appearance. By the way, I have a good relationship with my MIL and tried to picture her rubbing my feet and laughed out loud at the absurdity of it.

Anonymous said...

Maternity nurses are the worst. And if you get a nurse training to be a maternity nurse throw her ass out of the room. Trust me.