Wednesday, July 02, 2008


We took the girl to the zoo last weekend and if you had met my mother you would realize it is amazing that she hadn't been eighty-seven times already. It was the perfect Seattle summer day--a little hot for me (because I am week like that) but sunny and lovely and I think every family in the Northwest headed to the zoo.

Mo was not that interested in the animals but just adored being carried about by Grandma and Grandpa. She was also thrilled to be riding facing forward in the stroller.

One of the happiest surprises that we've found with the baby is how everyone just relaxes around her. My parents were there, J's mom was there and we all just strolled around with the baby. We all just want to take everything in through her eyes. My nature is not to take time and breathe it in but she makes me slow down.

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