Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fucking Internet Kharma

I feel like I am taking it in the kharmic ass for my rather smug post a couple of weeks ago about how we are in a good place. I felt so comfortable and safe and happy and since all of that things have gone all crazy. To be fair my life is still pretty great but there is a lot of just SHIT happening workwise and healthwise and good GOD I would like it to stop now.

I am tired. Tired in my bones. Some of that stems from my rather princessy sleep habits-I just live a noticeably happier life with eight hours a day of sleep-and some from stress and some from other shit.

I made a mistake at work today. Well actually over time. It is from being stretched a little thin but also from being careless and procrastinating and I am trying not to flog myself silly over it. It is a mistake, these happen, and I need to get over myself. No one died. But I am not good at getting over mistakes.

J hurt his back this weekend and has been basically an invalid all week. He cannot really stand up straight. He tosses and turns. He is sort of pathetic.

Things are just happening and I am a little lost. This happens sometimes and after a while we just get our bearings again. I hope it happens soon because I hate feeling like this.

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