Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Perhaps I Should Call My Grandma For Advice

I fell today.


What. Am I eighty? Because I tripped this time (which is better which is totally better than falling for no reason) and fell against the curb. My hip bone cracked against the cement. My knee was practically crushed. Both are swollen and discolored in a way that I cannot describe.

I would post pictures but I am way too vain to show the internet my ugly, swollen, unshaven knee and yet not quite vain enough to shave my legs.

That pretty much sums up my whole personality actually.

So I am dealing with ego blow that only a stupid fucking clumsy thing can give you, limping around, trying to think of a better reason to have fallen than "well . . I tripped on AIR."

And trying not to move my hip or knee at all because that shit HURTS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone could use a walker. For the curious who see the bruises, just tell them you and J are into the kinky stuff. :-)