Sunday, October 14, 2007


I deleted my book blog. I am guessing no one but me noticed since I hadn't updated it in more than a year. It would just stare at me all accusingly on my dashboard on blogger. I felt guilty because I just couldn't type up the books I was reading, and then they added up and then . . .

I am pretty wimpy.

So I joined Goodreads. You will notice that I have zero friends. SAD. So feel free to join up (search for me under and add me. It is a wonderously geeky kind of tool to catalog all your books.

And clearly I need help figuring out what to read next. HELP ME

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you read Cinderella Pact by Sarah Strohmeyer. It is a light chick-lit read, some romance, lots about fashion and writing. You might like it :)