Saturday, June 18, 2005

Then Again, Who Isn't?

Have spent the last couple of days doing a work activity that I am not used to. Since I am crazily afraid of being Dooced I can only say that I spent the past two days running around on stupidly high heels. My feet look like chubby sausages. Chubby sausages that have been smushed into foot bindings. They are an alarming purple color and Darla is helping by licking the toes.

It says a lot about how tired I am that I am not even stopping her.

As a reward for my toughness (or possibly for a two hour block of time of me not whining about my damn feet) J took me to see Batman Begins at the Imax theatre.

If you can get there, I highly recommend seeing it in that format. It was fantastic. A little overwhelming honestly.

I know the comic geeks were nitpicking it a bit, which WHATEVER, but it was a good story, great effects and I even forgot to get annoyed with Katie Holmes. Which is SAYING something.

Plus, Alfred? Looks a lot like my grandpa.

A lot less dippy though.

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